June 20th, 2012

Jake’s got pull ups!

Don’t be fooled by Jake’s quiet demeanor. He is a beast! What I love about Jake, is that he comes to class, puts in solid work and heads home fitter than when he came. No complaining. No frills or gimmicks. Just work. This is evidenced by his awesome pull ups above. Keep it up Jake!


Three rounds, 9-7- and 5 reps, for time of:
135 pound Squat snatch

Post times to comments.

Compare to here.

20 Responses

  1. Great job Jake – I just remember one day seeing you cranking out those kipping pull ups like you’ve been doing them forever. Impressive.

    Jake’s also been quietly and secretly getting his double-unders too. He’s doing double-single-doubles pretty good now. Video to come.

    Keep it up!

  2. 14:17: sub’d 2xRingDips/Pullups, 75#, originally had 85 but after RD/PUs could not do well, so dropped wt. Had a few times where weight flew up, like in the WOD demo, but mostly it needed work. 9RD/PUs and repeated,then 7 unbroken until the 5s, Pull ups were fine but Ring dips went to 1or2 each. We needed a Muscle up guy to show us how it’s done this morning (BEN?). Good group and lots of sweat.

    • Stayed up too late to hit5:30. Sorry darklifters! Looking forward to trying this one…

      Great job guys!!!!

  3. 9:30: sub’d 2xRingRows+Pushups, 65#, but went to empty bar for final round due to shoulder pain. Large energetic group this morning.

  4. 18:49 scaled
    18/14/10: C2B Pull Ups and Ring Rows (split into two sets)
    155lbs Squat Clean Thrusters for Snatches. My shoulder just wasn’t happy with the snatch position overhead. I’ve also been neglecting/underappreciating shoulder mobility/exercises this last week, probably held me back too, need to give it it’s work.
    C2B tried to only be 2-3’s to work on strining them together. Actually happy (for progress) on ring dips. I did 1’s but at a steady 5sec rest pace and finally felt like I didn’t burn out.

    Huge-ish class for Amanda. Great energy. and a M Pav 5:30am sighting! Like the old days.

  5. 28:55

    Scaled the MUs to 3, 2, 1 instead of 9, 7, 5. The time took so long because my arms were aching from the MUs so I was taking long breaks.

  6. Great job Jake! That’s impressive! Keep working on those DU’s!

  7. Most excellent Jake. I didn’t realize you progressed so much. Stealth CrossFitter!

  8. Scaled x 2 ring dips and pullups
    95# squat snatch-kept it light do I could work on technique, it really seemed to progress for the better as we went along.

    It was really nice to see Ben (stranger) in the 915 this morning. AND…..way to rx this tough WOD! Your a machine!


  9. 20:31 Rx
    Not sure that this WOD is meant to be a 20+ min WOD, but first Rx “Amanda” and second Rx MU WOD ever…really felt good!

    Thanks Casey for the encouragement & the coaching. I know I need coaching and am glad that just because I am a vet CfS’r I still benefit from great coaching.

  10. 15:44
    Can’t really put Rx next to my time because I did a snatch and then an OHS, instead of a squat snatch. Rx’d all the mu’s without a false grip.

  11. Did 27-21-15 ring dips, pullups and pushups….22:49

  12. 15:13

    55# SS, 1 MU = 3 RD + 3 RR.

  13. 8:50
    Subbed kipping pullups and pushups (non CFS) for muscle ups.
    Red band- pullups
    42# snatch squat

    I can definitely go heavier next time. When I was warming up with the snatch squats I felt somewhat unstable so decided not to increase the weight. After the workout I felt like that was a mistake and I should have at least tried to add a couple of 5# plates.

    I should have used a lighter band also. This was my first time doing kipping pullups on the high bar and it freaked me out a little (not sure why, it’s not like it’s a long drop if I fall). Should have tried to go with 2 purple bands. I really made a concerted effort to make sure that my pushups where legitimate and I felt like they were, but they were so much easier than the CFS pushups that I couldn’t help but wonder if I was somehow cheating. However, it was so nice to to get through them without stopping.:)

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