February 19th, 2010

Upcoming Events

*”Team CFS” training sessions are on the Training Calendar for those people who are competing in Marysville.

*March 5th at 1PM- It is “Go watch Shawn get in a scrum Day!” at Magnuson Park.

*March 15th- Officially kicks off the 2011 CrossFit Games season with the CrossFit Open Sectional.

*March 20th 4 PM- “Real Food Cookoff” at the gym. Details will be forthcoming.

*May 7th- CrossFit Marysville Throwdown for Charity. We have two CFS athletes (John and Ryan) already signed up.

9 AM Class

Five rounds for time of:
10 Wall climbs
10 Toes to bar
20 Box jumps, 24″ box

For the wall climbs, start with your toes and chest on the deck, walk your feet up the wall until your chest touches the wall, and then descend back to the original position.

Post time to comments.

8 Responses

  1. 34: 55 (scaled to 5 wall climbs a round and subbed 30 air squats for box jumps)

    Wow! Walls climbs are much harder then they sound. As Casey put it during the middle of this one, this is a WOD where you spend a lot of time just lying on the ground and don’t feel at all bad about it.

    Did 10 wall climbs the first round, 8 the second and 5 the last 3 rounds. Very tough WOD. I was sweating profusely by halfway through the second round. If I had Rx’d this one, it would have taken an hour. Major kudos to Brandie for Rx’ing it. I think she might be the only one who did.

    Lots of good work on wall climbs by everyone else from what I saw. A very tough movement that will hopefully make us all better at handstands, HSPUs and overhead presses.

  2. I’ve never been able to do freestanding handstands or walk around on my hands so it was interesting, and kind of scary, to feel what that upside down feeling is like.

    My favorite part of the day was looking around seeing everyone on the floor breathing and hearing John say, “yep the wheels fell off.”

    29:?? 5 wall climbs each round

    Way to work through those climbs Saturday crew!

  3. Wow, a lot tougher than it looked. Tried a couple of wall climbs at home and quickly realized this was going to be hard. I had it a little easier as I was using the garage door and could hook my toes up there on my way up. I made the wall climbs all the way to vertical so my belly was touching the wall, as my gut is a little larger than most you could consider that scaling as well.

    Scaled to 1 Wall Climb a round, Knee ups and 20″ box jumps. 16:32

  4. Great job everyone on the wall climbs! tough wod. Very virtuous movement.

    Nice work at home. Excellent scaling options.

  5. Seems likes it’s going to be quite the spring, looking forward to it and thanks for setting up the extra events.

    Sounds like I missed quite the wod, I was so very sorry to miss out on the toes to bar’s. 😉

  6. I scaled this WOD to 5 wall climbs per round and it was still super-tough.


  7. 34:23

    Tried 10 wall climbs the first 2 rounds, but quickly scaled down to 5 per round. Amazing how quickly this WOD got tough! I also scaled the box jumps to 30 air squats….and my toes to bar are horrible.

    Brad looked amazing throughout the whole WOD….made it look easy.

    Brandie…. unbelievable!! That’s really all I can say.

  8. 23:47

    Scaled to 5 wall climbs per round-shoulders were definitely exhausted after this one!

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