October 9th, 2012

CFS Fall Event at the Cheek Farm!

Don’t forget! The CFS fall event is coming soon. It is at the Cheek Farm at 1 PM on Saturday October 20th. There will be food, pumpkins for the kids and plenty of time to have all those conversations you are having at the gym when you should be warming up! There is no requirement to bring food. We don’t want that to hold you back from coming. That being said, if you have a burning desire to bring something have at it. If you want something to drink bring it. If you have a pop-up shelter you can throw in your car in case of bad weather, that would be great too. Families are encouraged to come. We want to meet that other slacker adult in your family that is scared to workout with us and we want to brainwash your kids about how to workout before they get on an elliptical! Just kidding we really love families here at CFS and want to meet yours! You will receive an email from the Cheeks this week giving more details. If you are planning on coming PLEASE RSVP to that email so we know what to expect as far as numbers. Last count we were looking at about 50 adults and 20 kids. Finally, if you are new to CFS and have not attended one of our community events this is a must-do event for you. CFS is way more than a place to workout. People are way more important than barbells, box jumps and burpees. I think I might have even read in a really good book (top-selling book in history) that our relationships with people have impact that stretches beyond this life to eternity. That is how important you are to us. We want to hang with you so don’t let us down!

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 reps

Post loads to comments.

31 Responses

  1. I thought the party was on the 20th? Not this Saturday…did something change that I am missing?

  2. oops! You’re right. It’s fixed now.

  3. BTW, All Huskies are welcome! The Arizona game doesn’t start until 7:00 pm

  4. 345# (10 PR), I’ve got a lot of DLs in my book but I think this is right for 5×5.
    Michelle and I both PR’d today – a lot of good Mojo – where was everybody else?

  5. Yesterdays squat clean-box jump WOD 6:24 Rx’d
    First WOD post Rockation food and beverage weekend so pretty happy belly didn’t rumble.
    Great short lung burning mental toughness WOD. Box jumps wreck me, Oiy! Gotta move better! Total mental training to keep going on those.

    • Wow, great job – Box Jumps wreck you? Compared to…?

      • Compared to any other movement! πŸ™‚
        i.e. Strict pull ups are hard, but frustrating hard because I’m not yet strong enough, not lungs. Burpees, running, barbell work… I can find a pace but those box jumps suck the soul out of my mojo!

  6. For time:
    100 ft Walking lunge
    50 Push-ups
    50 Double-unders
    25 Knees to elbows
    5 Rope climb, 15 ft
    50 Box jump, 24 inch box
    25 Overhead squats, 65 pounds
    25 L-pull-ups
    50 Sit-ups


  7. 345# DL (20# PR)

    Happy to get back up a bit in weight. This is 10# more than my last 1 rep. I’ll take it….

  8. 125 lbs.
    Wish I was motivated to do more today but just wasn’t feeling the heavy day. Thank you Wendy for encouraging me to get up to 125. Excited to hear how your New York run goes!

  9. 275, 315, 345, 365 F(4), 315

    345 is my PR and it felt great. I got a little greedy and attempted a 20lb jump to 365 but could only get 4 of them.

  10. 167#
    32# PR over my 1 rep max in March.
    Ryan gave me some great tips today, which helped a lot. Thanks Ryan! Great job today on you PR Mark!

  11. 405lbs
    225-315-335-385-405×1(wrong music)-405×5(right music)
    I wasn’t going to do this today between paranoia of restraining back (last 405 lift hurt back), rope burn on the hand and not wanting to get sucked into pushing myself. But after feeling good with this morning’s WOD and feeling restless went for it. 400 and back is happy!

  12. 295#

  13. 165#, 175#, 185# 195 #, and 200!!! WOOT WOOT πŸ™‚ I’ve never done 5×5, only 3×5 and it was a 15# PR!

  14. 300#

  15. 315-335-350-355-360
    Great 5:15 class – moving the heavy stuff πŸ™‚

  16. 100lbs never did 5×5 last time 5×3 at 95 so a little better. Way to rock it today Dawn

  17. 175,195,210, 220, 205
    It freaked me out to go for my PR in the 3rd rep, which I actually did my 4th. However, this is the system I should be following– I LOVED it! To my fault I tend to make little jumps, never aggressive enough!

  18. 175, 195, 215, 225, 235 couldn’t find a 5×5 listed.

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