January 21st, 2012

9 AM Class

Three rounds for time of:
Row 1000 meters or Run 800 meters
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

10 AM Yoga

9 Responses

  1. 34:41 Rx
    Underestimated this workout…very tiring. Especially Thrusters. 45# does not sound that heavy…but WAS!

    Great to see Shawn almost full WOD as written!

  2. 28:15
    Only did half the Pull Ups

  3. 36:29 not my favorite. Did 35# thrusters first round then scaled back to 23# for the last two rounds. Did pull ups and row as posted. Felt like I spent too much time resting, yuck! Everyone is so encouraging at the gym, though. So appreciate it! Great job coaching, Andrea! 🙂 Nice work on the row, Shawn.

  4. 38:37 (11wks)
    Row limited to 90 degree bend.
    50 Press 45lbs+20 GHD SU+30 Hip Ext per 50 Thruster
    Agree with the crowd. Tougher wod than expected. I was burnt toast afterwards! While limited, still very nice to start ‘balancing’ out the legs. So tempted to just start going at it, but trying to be good (maybe a little too far already? 🙂 ) 7 weeks till full range…. patience. (talking to self 🙂 )

    Great Saturday work. Saturday’s seem to becoming a beast mode day for CFS people. Including BaconStrip making his way back to the rower after congregating with pukie, good effort.

    Best quote of day by Ryan, “Ben, I just want to look at you. You’re like a big rainbow.”

  5. Five rounds for time of:
    250 meter row
    10 Push Press (95#)
    10 Push Ups

    16:09. 75# Push Press. My push ups were super difficult during this one. I was able to do the first three rounds of push press unbroken, and the last two in two sets. Pretty happy with that.

  6. 29:51 Push ups for Pull ups
    60 min. Yoga class
    1hr 13min. nap
    = Great Saturday!

  7. Thanks so much for the warm welcome and encouragement ad I middle through my first workouts. Looking forward to working out with all of you CF’ers

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